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Tooltip follows the WAI-ARIA Tooltip Pattern. It's a popup that displays information related to an element when the element receives keyboard focus or the mouse hovers over it.


npm install reakit

Learn more in Get started.


import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
import { Tooltip, TooltipReference, useTooltipState } from "reakit/Tooltip";

function Example() {
  const tooltip = useTooltipState();
  return (
      <TooltipReference {...tooltip} as={Button}>
      <Tooltip {...tooltip}>Tooltip</Tooltip>


Since Tooltip is composed by Popover, you can control how it is positioned by setting the placement option on useTooltipState.

import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
import { Tooltip, TooltipReference, useTooltipState } from "reakit/Tooltip";

function Example() {
  const tooltip = useTooltipState({ placement: "bottom-end" });
  return (
      <TooltipReference {...tooltip} as={Button}>
      <Tooltip {...tooltip}>Tooltip</Tooltip>

#Multiple tooltips

Each group of Tooltip and TooltipReference should have its own corresponding useTooltipState.

import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
import { Tooltip, TooltipReference, useTooltipState } from "reakit/Tooltip";

function Example() {
  const tooltip1 = useTooltipState();
  const tooltip2 = useTooltipState();
  return (
      <TooltipReference {...tooltip1} as={Button}>
        Reference 1
      <Tooltip {...tooltip1}>Tooltip 1</Tooltip>
      <TooltipReference {...tooltip2} as={Button}>
        Reference 2
      <Tooltip {...tooltip2}>Tooltip 2</Tooltip>


Tooltip uses DisclosureContent underneath, so you can use the same approaches as described in the Animating section there.

The only difference is that Reakit automatically adds inline styles to the Tooltip element so that it's correctly positioned according to TooltipReference. In this example, we're animating an inner wrapper element, so we don't need to overwrite Tooltip positioning styles.

import { css } from "emotion";
import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
import {
} from "reakit/Tooltip";

const styles = css`
  background-color: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.9);
  padding: 8px;
  border-radius: 4px;
  transition: opacity 250ms ease-in-out, transform 250ms ease-in-out;
  opacity: 0;
  transform-origin: top center;
  transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0);
  [data-enter] & {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

function Example() {
  const tooltip = useTooltipState({ animated: 250 });
  return (
      <TooltipReference {...tooltip} as={Button}>
      <Tooltip {...tooltip} style={{ background: "none", padding: 0 }}>
        <div className={styles}>
          <TooltipArrow {...tooltip} />


You can build your own Tooltip component with a different API on top of Reakit.

import React from "react";
import {
  Tooltip as ReakitTooltip,
} from "reakit/Tooltip";

function Tooltip({ children, title, ...props }) {
  const tooltip = useTooltipState();
  return (
      <TooltipReference {...tooltip} ref={children.ref} {...children.props}>
        {(referenceProps) => React.cloneElement(children, referenceProps)}
      <ReakitTooltip {...tooltip} {...props}>

function Example() {
  return (
    <Tooltip title="Tooltip">


  • Tooltip has role tooltip.
  • TooltipReference has aria-describedby referring to Tooltip.
  • Escape hides the current visible tooltip.

Learn more in Accessibility.


Learn more in Composition.



  • baseId string

    ID that will serve as a base for all the items IDs.

  • visible boolean

    Whether it's visible or not.

  • animated number | boolean

    If true, animating will be set to true when visible is updated. It'll wait for stopAnimation to be called or a CSS transition ends. If animated is set to a number, stopAnimation will be called only after the same number of milliseconds have passed.

  • placement "auto-start" | "auto" | "auto-end" | "top-start...

    Actual placement.

  • unstable_fixed boolean | undefined

    Whether or not the popover should have position set to fixed.

  • unstable_flip boolean | undefined

    Flip the popover's placement when it starts to overlap its reference element.

  • unstable_offset [string | number, string | number] | undefined

    Offset between the reference and the popover: [main axis, alt axis]. Should not be combined with gutter.

  • gutter number | undefined

    Offset between the reference and the popover on the main axis. Should not be combined with unstable_offset.

  • unstable_preventOverflow boolean | undefined

    Prevents popover from being positioned outside the boundary.


  • unstable_portal boolean | undefined

    Whether or not the tooltip should be rendered within Portal.

5 state props

These props are returned by the state hook. You can spread them into this component ({...state}) or pass them separately. You can also provide these props from your own state logic.

  • baseId string

    ID that will serve as a base for all the items IDs.

  • visible boolean

    Whether it's visible or not.

  • animated number | boolean

    If true, animating will be set to true when visible is updated. It'll wait for stopAnimation to be called or a CSS transition ends. If animated is set to a number, stopAnimation will be called only after the same number of milliseconds have passed.

  • animating boolean

    Whether it's animating or not.

  • stopAnimation () => void

    Stops animation. It's called automatically if there's a CSS transition.


  • size string | number | undefined

    Arrow's size

1 state props

These props are returned by the state hook. You can spread them into this component ({...state}) or pass them separately. You can also provide these props from your own state logic.

  • placement "auto-start" | "auto" | "auto-end" | "top-start...

    Actual placement.


4 state props

These props are returned by the state hook. You can spread them into this component ({...state}) or pass them separately. You can also provide these props from your own state logic.

  • baseId string

    ID that will serve as a base for all the items IDs.

  • unstable_referenceRef RefObject<HTMLElement | null>

    The reference element.

  • show () => void

    Changes the visible state to true

  • hide () => void

    Changes the visible state to false

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