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Accessible Checkbox component that follows the WAI-ARIA Checkbox Pattern, which means you'll have a working dual or tri-state toggle button regardless of the type of the underlying element. By default, it renders the native <input type="checkbox">.


npm install reakit

Learn more in Get started.


It receives the same props as controlled inputs, such as checked and onChange:

import React from "react";
import { Checkbox } from "reakit/Checkbox";

function Example() {
  const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
  const toggle = () => setChecked(!checked);
  return (
      <Checkbox checked={checked} onChange={toggle} />

#Rendering as a different element

You can render Checkbox as any component. Reakit will ensure that it's accessible by adding proper ARIA attributes and event handlers.

When styling, instead of using :checked or the [checked] selector, you will have to use [aria-checked="true"] to select non-native checked checkboxes.

import React from "react";
import { Checkbox } from "reakit/Checkbox";
import { Button } from "reakit/Button";

function Example() {
  const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
  const toggle = () => setChecked(!checked);
  return (
    <Checkbox as={Button} checked={checked} onChange={toggle}>
      {checked ? "Uncheck" : "Check"}


For convenience and consistency with the other components, Reakit provides a useCheckboxState that already implements the state logic for you:

import { useCheckboxState, Checkbox } from "reakit/Checkbox";

function Example() {
  const checkbox = useCheckboxState({ state: true });
  return (
      <Checkbox {...checkbox} />

#Multiple checkboxes

Oftentimes we need to render multiple checkboxes and store the checked values in an array. It can be easily done with Reakit:

import { useCheckboxState, Checkbox } from "reakit/Checkbox";

function Example() {
  const checkbox = useCheckboxState({ state: [] });
  return (
      <div>Choices: {checkbox.state.join(", ")}</div>
        <Checkbox {...checkbox} value="apple" />
        <Checkbox {...checkbox} value="orange" />
        <Checkbox {...checkbox} value="watermelon" />

#Indeterminate or mixed state

You can programmatically set checkbox value as indeterminate:

import React from "react";
import { Checkbox, useCheckboxState } from "reakit/Checkbox";

function useTreeState({ values }) {
  const group = useCheckboxState();
  const items = useCheckboxState();

  // updates items when group is toggled
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (group.state === true) {
    } else if (group.state === false) {
  }, [group.state]);

  // updates group when items is toggled
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (items.state.length === values.length) {
    } else if (items.state.length) {
    } else {
  }, [items.state]);

  return { group, items };

function Example() {
  const values = ["Apple", "Orange", "Watermelon"];
  const { group, items } = useTreeState({ values });
  return (
          <Checkbox {...group} /> Fruits
        {values.map((value, i) => (
          <li key={i}>
              <Checkbox {...items} value={value} /> {value}


Reakit components are un-styled by default. Each component returns a single HTML element that accepts all HTML props, including className and style.

The example below uses Emotion. But these styles can be reproduced using static CSS and other CSS-in-JS libraries, such as styled-components.

import * as React from "react";
import { Checkbox } from "reakit/Checkbox";
import { css } from "emotion";

const labelStyle = css`
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

const checkboxStyle = css`
  appearance: none;
  border: 1px solid #a860ff;
  border-radius: 4px;
  outline: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  margin-right: 5px;
  &:after {
    content: "✔";
    display: none;
    color: white;
    font-size: 70%;
  &:checked {
    background-color: #6a50ee;
    border: 2px solid #a860ff;
    &:after {
      display: block;

function Example() {
  const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
  const toggle = () => setChecked(!checked);
  return (
    <label className={labelStyle}>
      <Checkbox checked={checked} onChange={toggle} className={checkboxStyle} />


  • Checkbox has role checkbox.
  • When checked, Checkbox has aria-checked set to true.
  • When not checked, Checkbox has aria-checked set to false.
  • When partially checked, Checkbox has aria-checked set to mixed.

Learn more in Accessibility.


Learn more in Composition.



  • state boolean | "indeterminate" | (string | number)[]

    Stores the state of the checkbox. If checkboxes that share this state have defined a value prop, it's going to be an array.


  • disabled boolean | undefined

    Same as the HTML attribute.

  • focusable boolean | undefined

    When an element is disabled, it may still be focusable. It works similarly to readOnly on form elements. In this case, only aria-disabled will be set.

  • value string | number | undefined

    Checkbox's value is going to be used when multiple checkboxes share the same state. Checking a checkbox with value will add it to the state array.

  • checked boolean | undefined

    Checkbox's checked state. If present, it's used instead of state.

2 state props

These props are returned by the state hook. You can spread them into this component ({...state}) or pass them separately. You can also provide these props from your own state logic.

  • state boolean | "indeterminate" | (string | number)[]

    Stores the state of the checkbox. If checkboxes that share this state have defined a value prop, it's going to be an array.

  • setState (value: SetStateAction<boolean | "indeterminate...

    Sets state.

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