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Accessible Button component that enables users to trigger an action or event, such as submitting a Form, opening a Dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation. It follows the WAI-ARIA Button Pattern.


npm install reakit

Learn more in Get started.


import { Button } from "reakit/Button";

function Example() {
  return <Button>Button</Button>;


Reakit components are unstyled by default. You're free to use whatever approach you want. Each component returns a single HTML element that accepts all HTML props, including className and style.

The example below uses Emotion. But these styles can be reproduced using static CSS and other CSS-in-JS libraries, such as styled-components.

import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
import { css } from "emotion";

const className = css`
  outline: 0;
  color: #ffffff;
  background: #006dff;
  padding: 0.375em 0.75em;
  line-height: 1.5;
  border: transparent;
  border-radius: 0.25rem;
  cursor: pointer;
  font-size: 16px;

  &:focus {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2em rgba(0, 109, 255, 0.4);

  &[aria-disabled="true"] {
    cursor: auto;
    opacity: 0.5;

  &:not([aria-disabled="true"]) {
    &:hover {
      color: #ffffff;
      background-color: #0062e6;
    &[data-active="true"] {
      color: #ffffff;
      background-color: #004eb8;

function Example() {
  return <Button className={className}>Button</Button>;

Learn more in Styling.


  • Button has role button.
  • When Button has focus, Space and Enter activates it.

    import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
    function Example() {
    return (
      <Button as="div" onClick={() => alert("clicked")}>
  • If disabled prop is true, Button has disabled and aria-disabled attributes set to true.

    import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
    function Example() {
    return (
      <Button disabled onClick={() => alert("clicked")}>
  • If disabled and focusable props are true, Button has aria-disabled attribute set to true, but not disabled.

    import { Button } from "reakit/Button";
    function Example() {
    return (
      <Button disabled focusable onClick={() => alert("clicked")}>

    This is useful when the presence of a Button is important enough so users can perceive it by tabbing.

Learn more in Accessibility.


Learn more in Composition.



  • disabled boolean | undefined

    Same as the HTML attribute.

  • focusable boolean | undefined

    When an element is disabled, it may still be focusable. It works similarly to readOnly on form elements. In this case, only aria-disabled will be set.

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